Preventing Falls Tips
A loose rug, patch of ice, or an electrical cord are some things that can cause a fall. When a fall happens to an older adult, they can break a bone and end up in the hospital. You can take steps to reduce your fear of falling and reduce risks. Some tips to prevent falls include:
- Check your medications.
- Get your eyes and ears checked.
- Get enough sleep.
- Limit alcohol intake.
- Get moving. Add exercise to your daily routine.
- Watch where you walk.
- Take your time when moving from sitting to standing.
- Talk with your doctor about preventing falls.
- Always report a fall.
Here are some places where you can get more help:
- Area Agencies on Aging Association of Michigan – where you can link to your county’s services in Michigan.
- National Institutes of Health (NIH) on preventing falls and fractures.
National Council on Aging (NCOA) on falls prevention for older adults.