Member Benefits
With over 90 member hospitals across Michigan, the Michigan Trauma Coalition is the only state wide multi-professional organization dedicated exclusively to the advancement of trauma care, education, research and advocacy across the trauma continuum. Each hospital membership has one vote at meetings, but unlimited staff can participate.
Membership in this unique organization provides you access to activities that promote excellence in patient care and tools that enhance your hospitals delivery of the right care to the right patient at the right time.
- Trauma Education – Enroll your trauma staff in educational programs that are required or recommended for trauma verification and designation, including the AIS Injury Scaling Course (AAAM), trauma registrar training, trauma program manager training, injury prevention coordinator training, and trauma finance training.
- Substantial Savings – Receive a substantial discount off educational programs and resources.
- Trauma Center Role Development – Gain a multidisciplinary perspective of each professional role within a trauma program: Trauma Medical Director, Trauma Program Manager, Trauma Registrar, Injury Prevention Coordinator, Performance Improvement Nurse, Trauma Educator, Outreach Coordinator, Trauma Researcher, and Trauma Administrator. Membership in the MTC provides access to experienced trauma center professionals and resources to optimize your hospital’s trauma performance.
- Unlimited Networking – Engage in informative conversations at MTC events, or via conference calls or online meetings.
- Career Development and Lifelong Learning – Access to educational and clinical content as well as trauma practice guidelines on the MTC website, org
- Advocacy – Collaborate with MTC’s lobbyist and Legislative Committee to support bills that advance trauma care, such as maintenance of the state trauma system, traffic safety, and trauma education.
- Leadership Opportunities – Give back to the profession and help advance trauma best practices by volunteering in MTC’s community of professionals. Join specialty committees like injury prevention, pediatric trauma, legislation, education, research, or the registrars’ committee, to meet colleagues with similar interests.
What have we accomplished in the past year?
- The MTC Leadership Council – Officers, Committee Chairs, and trauma physicians – conducted a review of MTC strategic planning session in September 2023. Objectives were updated for 2024 and celebrated 2023 accomplishments.
- We have many virtual sessions utilizing Zoom. Our education plan includes regular breakout sessions following the General Membership Meetings, as well as webinars. (For those who cannot attend, the content is posted on the website after each presentation).
- Standardized Course offerings for 2023 included the following:
- ICD-10 Trauma Coding Course – A must for Trauma Registrars!
- Basic Trauma Registry Course – basic course for trauma registry staff.
- Trauma Registry Advanced Prep Course (TARP) – This course prepares registrars to take advanced certification exams – the CSTR and CAISS.
- MTC also supported scholarships for registrars to sit for those exams.
- Pediatric Trauma Across the Care Continuum (PTACC) – provides education to nurses who care for admitted pediatric trauma patients.
- AIS injury Scaling Course [AAAM] – course for those responsible for injury databases.
- MTC supported 9 Injury Prevention Scholarships to the Michigan Traffic Safety Summit in June.
- Rural Trauma Outcomes and Performance Improvement Course (TOPIC) – practical application for level 3 and 4 trauma centers, from smaller communities with low volume or rural settings.
- Disaster Management and Emergency Preparedness (DMEP) – teaches planning methods, preparedness, and medical management of trauma patients in mass casualty disaster situations.
- Meetings and other collaboration:
- MTC supports quarterly meetings of the general membership (which now include educational breakouts), as well as meetings of all MTC Committees.
- We have continued a close partnership with the State of Michigan, Bureau of EMS, Trauma and Preparedness, to support trauma system development.
- Throughout the year, we have continued to work with our contracted lobbyist on all issues related to trauma advocacy and support of Michigan’s state-wide trauma system.
MTC will also continue to support scholarships for our members to attend important courses throughout the year.
Membership Levels
- Level I or II adult/pediatric Trauma Center $3,500
- Hospital seeking Level I or II status $3,500
- Level III or seeking Level III Trauma Center $1,000
- Level IV or seeking Level IV status $500
- Associate Membership (with board approval), $1,500
Questions? Email: [email protected]
Please make sure that your organization’s member profile, as well as your individual information, is updated regularly. This is especially important if you have any changes in your department’s personnel or contact information. Please email [email protected] to submit any changes to your member profile.