Older Adult Driving Safety

Maintaining our independence as we age is important. Freedom is often linked to driving. We need to re-evaluate our driving habits all the time. Those who review and improve their driving skills are more likely to continue driving safely. Changes in vision, memory, strength, flexibility and reaction time can affect driving ability. Aging doesn’t affect all drivers in the same way. To stay safe, it is important to:

  • Have your eyes checked regularly and wear your glasses while driving.
  • If you have cataracts, glare can be a problem. Avoid night driving or driving in the rain.
  • Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about how the medications you take could affect your driving.
  • Be aware of the effects of drinking alcohol with your meds.
  • Have your hearing checked.
  • Stay active. Decreased muscle strength and flexibility can affect your range of motion while driving.

There are many resources available for older drivers, including: