Michigan Legislature Passes Trauma Funding Bill
In 2011 the Michigan State Legislature approved funding for a statewide trauma system. The funding was to come out of the Michigan Crime Victims Fund, in the amount of $3.5 million. When the bill was passed, the domestic violence community opposed this funding, as they believed that some of the money would benefit NON-VICTIMS OF CRIME. As a result, language was added stating that in 2014, half of the funding would GO AWAY. Since then, the Legislature passed a law extending the FULL funding of $3.5 million until 2018. As of October 1, 2018, $1.75 million would have been eliminated, if the Legislature hadn’t acted.
To continue the funding, Representatives Henry Yanez (D-Sterling Heights) and Mary Whiteford (R-Casco Twp) both introduced bills. Representative Yanez’s bill would have eliminated the sunset altogether and made the funding for a trauma system much more permanent. This bill remains in the House Appropriations Committee. Representative Whiteford’s bill extends the sunset for another 3 years, so that a full $3.5 million can be expended by the State of Michigan for trauma funding until October 1, 2021. This bill is now law. The link below has the legislative history for Representative Whiteford’s bill.